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Join Micro-credentials: Connecting Education & The Future of Work, a 1-Day virtual event together with academia & industry experts on 17 Nov.

Global not-for-profit company delivers bespoke learning experiences in social inclusion and identity across the world via OpenLearning

Empowering young people from across the globe with real-time, high-impact learning
Empowering young people from across the globe with real-time, high-impact learning


Enabling students across 5 continents to engage with the High Resolves programs


Facilitating 90+ learners across 26 countries to collaborate in the Rise Programs


NPS was achieved from the "Just Society" course delivered via OpenLearning

177% increase in NPS

177% increase from the average NPS achieved for their face-to-face workshop with the University of Technology Sydney
High Resolves partnered with OpenLearning since March 2020 to deliver and scale their award-winning capacity-building learning experiences to tertiary and university students through online learning.

Recovering the global education market with a robust solution

According to UNESCO (June 2021), over one year into the pandemic, more than 150 million learners have been affected globally by school closures due to COVID-19.

Recognised as a leader in the design and delivery of capacity-building experiences for young people, High Resolves faced the challenge of pivoting their award-winning, face-to-face, immersive learning education delivery to a completely digital and remote collaborative experience.

High Resolves provide learning experiences that have a deep transformational effect drawing upon proven design principles from a wide set of disciplines, including learning science, behavioural economics, social psychology, and neuroscience.

The challenges in achieving that are tougher than for most online courses because a key part of High Resolves’ work involves getting students together in group activities where their thinking is challenged and they need to make moral choices.

Ever since 2010, when High Resolves began delivering programs at scale, Mr Baghai said he and his team had been thinking about how their programs could be delivered online. The onset of coronavirus made it an imperative.

Whilst searching for an online learning provider, High Resolves found that many of the existing learning platforms solely focused on content delivery. As High Resolves’ pride themselves in their distinctive advantage through the design and delivery of high-impact immersive learning experiences, these existing learning platforms were not able to deliver the impact they were after.

Launching online citizenship experiences to support schools

High Resolves chose to join forces with OpenLearning as the platform and channel to build and deliver exceptional learning experiences to students.

High Resolves co-founder and CEO Mehrdad Baghai says, “We looked for a digital platform for 10 years, and I have to say it was an exercise of frustration, we didn’t think that there would be a platform that would allow us to do the sorts of things we do. When we came across OpenLearning it was the first time we had seen a platform to allow us to do the work in a way that would have impact.”

High Resolves’ as an education provider is deeply rooted in the science of learning to capitalise on insights into human learning in order to improve student outcomes. These applications can be categorized into three broad overlapping areas or types: content, curriculum design, and delivery.

In partnering with the OpenLearning platform, High Resolves was able to successfully deliver its quality content and well-structured curriculum whilst requiring its facilitators to be equipped with strategies rooted in the science of learning.

Facilitation is not just the ability to design and deliver learning experiences, but also the creation of warm and welcoming environments that account for students’ social and emotional needs in ways that optimise learning which was made possible online via the OpenLearning platform.

Engaging global learners with high-impact, student-centric approach

In response to this partnership, results have been undeniable on the effectiveness of the programs via the OpenLearning system. Hannah Morris, Director of Customer Success, ANZ says, “The OpenLearning platform was critical in enabling us to retain the integrity of our face-to-face workshops and the immersive peer to peer interactions that schools know us for.”

With a combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning methods, schools were able to take advantage of this experience and have responded positively:

  • Impacting Schools: High Resolves’ partnership with Anson Street School found the OpenLearning platform to be “highly engaging” and “meant that students’ voices were all heard and they were participating equally.”
  • Impacting Universities: High Resolves collaborated closely with UTS Build program and found that the average Net Promoter Score (NPS) for face-to-face experiences were markedly lower at 39 compared to the online, immersive programs that OpenLearning courses were delivered on from a range of 61 to 84.
  • Impacting internationally: In early 2021, High Resolves partnered with Schmidt Futures with their Rise programs and offered their OpenLearning Courses to over 90 young students across 26 countries. The overall NPS for this virtual learning experience was at an impressive 90.

With these results, it is a real testament of OpenLearning’s powerful solution, resonating with young global learners across the world.

Looking to deliver a bespoke transformative online learning program that suits your organisational needs? OpenLearning can help. Get in touch today.

High Resolves

High Resolves designs and delivers award-winning citizenship and leadership learning experiences for young people. High Resolves is dedicated to the activation of human responsibility worldwide, to help address humanity’s intractable challenges, and have partnered with OpenLearning to develop a suite of online programs focussing on social inclusion, identity and social justice to students across Australia, the US, Canada, Mexico and Brazil.




Non-for-profit education provider

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I found the course to be really good! I much prefer online learning because I feel I learnt more doing these tasks individually than the workshops in face to face classes. I noticed that in most workshops I’ve been to in the past, people are split into groups to do the tasks and there’s always one person who leads the group and tells everyone what to do. This prevents the individual to independently think in my opinion and doing this virtually we are forced to think of a response for ourselves. Additionally, in real life workshops, people go up to share and present their group work. In this virtual learning experience I was able to see so many more responses and am not forced to think back and try to remember what the other person said as I can clearly see what they’ve written on my screen.
Daisy Tran
Participating Learner

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